Pool operators have a responsibility for the safety of all who use their pools.

Whenever pupils swim, there must be someone present with appropriate lifeguarding/lifesaving, rescue and first aid skills. It is the responsibility of the pool operator to ensure that there are enough lifeguards and that they are competent, effectively organised and diligent in their duties.

There must always be at least 2 people on poolside whilst there are swimmers in the water. One of these supervisors must always have the responsibility for lifeguarding/lifesaving, rescue and resuscitation. They need to have a suitable lifeguarding qualification in accordance with the pool size, depth, NOP and Risk Assessment. Following the Risk Assessment, in a shallow tank pool, a minimum of one member of staff with the RLSS NRASTC/NRASTC LIGHT will be required, whilst in a pool over 1.2m, you must have two. In both cases, you will require staff with appropriate teaching qualifications. If fully qualified (to Swim England Level 2), in a school pool over 1.2m where the NOP allows, a swimming teacher can also be responsible for lifeguarding/lifesaving if they hold an appropriate lifeguarding qualification, when assisted by an additional qualified person.

Please find attached more detailed information regarding the NRASTC course – which is valid for 2 years.

Please click the link to view available courses in 2023 that Vale Safety Training can offer.

If you need further information, or would like to double check your school staff’s qualifications please do email;  [email protected]